
2023 Recipients & Finalists

AWMA Honour Roll 2023

AWMA Honour Roll acknowledges outstanding women in the Australian Music Industry who have made significant and lasting contributions in their chosen field.

It provides a platform for recognition and appreciation of political activists and exceptional creative pioneers in our sector.

RECIPIENTS: Judy Stone and Renée Geyer

Judy Stone

Renée Geyer (RIP)

Lifetime Achievement Award

Presented to a female artist or musician who has made an outstanding artistic contribution to the field of recording and/or live performance during her lifetime.

RECIPIENTS: Kate Ceberano, Jeannie Lewis, Clare Moore

Kate Ceberano
Kate Ceberano
Jeannie Lewis
Jeannie Lewis
Clare Moore
Clare Moore

The AWMA Inspiration Award

Represents a nationally and internationally highly regarded, creative role model for younger generations of recording, song-writing and live performance artists.

An exceptional musical artist with a unique talent who leads by example with courage, confidence, commitment and integrity.

RECIPIENT: Vanessa Amorosi

She is an inspiration to ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY!

Vanessa Amorosi

Vanessa Amorosi


Inaugural ARIA Executive Leader Game Changer Award

Someone who has vision, integrity/ethics, trust of co-workers/employees, in addition to driving positive industry change, longevity of commitment, prioritising gender equality, respect, inclusion, safety, empowerment and quality of work.

Recognises the exceptional leadership of an Executive leader who creates significant and positive change to bring about equality for women in the Australian music industry. This award category is open to a CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, MD or GM.

RECIPIENT: Emily Collins

FINALISTS: Nazlican Eren, Sophie Galaise

Emily Collins
Emily Collins
Nazlican Eren
Nazlican Eren
Sophie Galaise
Sophie Galaise

Tina Arena Special Impact Award

This award honours an unsung champion of the Australian music industry.

RECIPIENT: Oana Gilbert (RIP)

FINALISTS: Lisa Smith, Kylie Thompson

Oana Gilbert
Oana Gilbert (RIP)
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith
Kylie Thompson
Kylie Thompson

Humanitarian Award

Recognises an individual (female, male and gender diverse) who has made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education, and/or assisting female artists working in remote and/or regional communities.

RECIPIENT: Alison Hams

FINALISTS: Gemma Farrell, Andrea Smith

Alison Hams
Alison Hams
Gemma Farrell
Gemma Farrell
Andrea Smith
Andrea Smith

Diversity in Music Award

Recognises individual artists or female-driven musical collaborations for their contribution to advancing a culturally diverse and inclusive music industry.

RECIPIENT: Cerisa Benjamin

FINALISTS: Ripple Effect Band, Ruth O’Brien

Cerisa Benjamin
Cerisa Benjamin
Ripple Effect band
Ripple Effect Band
Ruth O’Brien

Excellence in Classical Music Award

Recognises a mid-to-late career female classical music artist who has demonstrated musical excellence throughout her career.
*Includes conductors and artists working in the field of opera.

RECIPIENT: Celia Craig

FINALISTS: Anne Cawrse, Jenny Duck-Chong

Celia Craig

Celia Craig

Anne Cawrse
Anne Cawrse
Jenny Duck-Chong
Jenny Duck-Chong

Inaugural Women in Heavy Music Award

Recognises a female who has made contributions of outstanding significance as an artist, musician, music practitioner, agent, artist or label manager, supporter and/or advocator of Heavy Music.


FINALISTS: Jelena Goluza, Amy Simmons

Emmy Mack
Emmy Mack
Jelena Goluza
Jelena Goluza
Amy Simmons
Amy Simmons

Creative Leadership Award

A curatorial award recognising excellence in creative programming from women working in broadcast media (radio, tv, online, streaming services), a music festival or live performance/venue to champion female artists.

RECIPIENT: Claire Edwardes

FINALISTS: Sharni Honor, Chelsea Wilson

Claire Edwardes
Claire Edwardes
Sharni Honor
Sharni Honor
Chelsea Wilson
Chelsea Wilson

Artistic Excellence Award

Recognises exceptional creative achievement from a female artist/musician across any genre.

RECIPIENT: Vika & Linda

FINALISTS: Beccy Cole, Jessica Mauboy

Vika & Linda Bull
Vika & Linda
Beccy Cole
Beccy Cole
Jessica Mauboy
Jessica Mauboy

Studio Production Award

Recognises a female sound engineer or producer who has made contributions of outstanding significance in the studio recording environment.

RECIPIENT: Robyn Lee Payne

FINALISTS: Candice Lorrae, Elise Reitze-Swensen

Robyn Lee Payne
Robyn Lee Payne
Candice Lorrae
Candice Lorrae
Elise Reitze-Swensen
Elise Reitze-Swensen

Live Creative Production Award

Recognises a female working in a live production environment making significant impact in her field: includes but is not limited to roles such as Live Sound, Lighting & Visual Design, Set Design, Show Producer etc.

RECIPIENT: Naomi Price

FINALISTS: Nikki Nouveau, Sarah Ponturo

Naomi Price
Naomi Price
Nikki Nouveau
Nikki Nouveau
Sarah Ponturo
Sarah Ponturo

Live Production Touring Award

Recognises a female working in a live production or touring environment making significant impact in her field: Includes Tour/Operations/Promotions Management, Tour Assistant, Backstage, Roadcrew, and other related support roles.


FINALISTS: Karen-lee Herrmann, Stacey Queffert

Jenny Moon
Karen-lee Herrmann
Karen-lee Herrmann
Stacey Queffert
Stacey Queffert

Music Leadership Award

Recognises a female CEO, Managing Director, Label Manager, A&R Director, Artist Manager or Publisher making significant impact in music industry leadership.

RECIPIENT: Marianna Annas

FINALISTS: Beth Appleton, Mary Jo Capps AM

Marianna Annas
Marianna Annas
Beth Appleton<br />
Beth Appleton
Mary Jo Capps
Mary Jo Capps AM

Songwriter Award

Recognises an outstanding female songwriter or composer.

RECIPIENT: Toni Watson

FINALISTS: Tanya Batt, Sarah McLeod

Toni Watson
Toni Watson
Tanya Batt
Tanya Batt
Sarah McLeod
Sarah McLeod

Emerging Artist Award

Acknowledges an outstanding emerging female artist.


FINALISTS: Jem Cassar-Daley, Merinda Dias-Jayasinha



Jem Cassar-Daley
Jem Cassar-Daley
Merinda Dias-Jayasinha
Merinda Dias-Jayasinha

Music Photographer Award

Recognises a female music photographer currently working in the field and to acknowledge her body of work.

RECIPIENT: Mia Mala McDonald

FINALISTS: Ruby Boland, Lucinda Goodwin

Mia Mala McDonald
Mia Mala McDonald
Ruby Boland
Ruby Boland
Lucinda Goodwin
Lucinda Goodwin

Filmmaker Award

Recognises a female music videographer, clip-maker, filmmaker, or music animator currently working in the field and to acknowledge her body of work.

RECIPIENT: Triana Hernandez

FINALISTS: Philippa Bateman, Amy Louisee

Triana Hernandez
Triana Hernandez
Philippa Bateman
Philippa Bateman
Amy Louisee
Amy Louisee

Music Journalist Award

Recognises a female music journalist, blogger or editor who has made a creative contribution and courageous impact in truth telling and innovative reporting in the Australian music industry.


FINALISTS: Stephanie Eslake, Tait McGregor

Jane Gazzo

Jane Gazzo

Stephanie Eslake
Stephanie Eslake
Tait McGregor
Tait McGregor

2023 Award Recipients Media Release